Full Circle: A Love Story That Began with Stanford Women’s BasketballFull Circle: A Love Story That Began with Stanford Women’s Basketball
Women's Basketball

Full Circle: A Love Story That Began with Stanford Women’s Basketball

Some moments in sports stick with you forever—the buzzer-beaters, the championships, the legendary players. But for one couple, a Stanford women’s basketball game in 1998 became more than just a memory; it was the start of their story together.

Sophia and Benoit Schillings met at Maples Pavilion during a Stanford/USC matchup, bonding over their love for the game. Over the years, life got busy with careers, kids, and new adventures, but their connection to Stanford Athletics remained. Now, as empty nesters, they found themselves back where it all began—this time courtside as winners of the Stanford Federal Credit Union sweepstakes.

In this Q&A, they share how Stanford women’s basketball has been woven into their journey, their favorite moments as fans, and what it meant to return to Maples nearly three decades later.

Q&A with Sophia and Benoit Schillings

Q: Can you take us back to the first time you met? What was the game, and how did your paths cross?
A: We met at the Stanford/USC game on February 13, 1998. I had attended several Stanford games with a friend, and he invited Benoit to that game at the last minute.

Q: Did Stanford women’s basketball play a role in your relationship after that first meeting?
A: We started to attend other athletic events with a group of friends for a year, watching baseball and volleyball games after the season ended.

Q: If you could relive one Stanford game together, which one would it be and why?
A: Definitely the 1998 game!

Q: How did you find out about the Stanford Federal Credit Union sweepstakes, and what was your reaction when you won?
A: SFCU sent out an email about the sweepstakes, and I filled out the online form. It was a lovely surprise to learn we'd won the grand prize.

Q: Was it a full-circle moment for you, being back at a Stanford women's basketball game in such a special way?
A: Absolutely—attending the Stanford/Syracuse game 28 years later and watching Stanford win (again) was a blast!

Q: Have you been lifelong fans of Stanford women’s basketball? If so, what keeps you coming back?
A: With two active kids and Benoit traveling for work, it was hard finding time to attend games together. Now that we're empty nesters, we hope to take advantage of the activities on campus—artistic performances as well as sporting events.

Q: Do you have a favorite player or moment from over the years?
A: There have been so many great players—I still remember Jennifer Azzi and her great achievements in promoting women's basketball. [Tara VanDerveer is a goddess!]

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about your life together now?
A: We’ve been together for 27 years and married for 24. We live near Stanford and have two kids—a college grad and a college junior—and a dog.

Q: Beyond basketball, what are some of the shared passions or hobbies that have brought you closer as a couple?
A: Music/concerts, books/movies, travel, food/cooking, and hiking/walking are things we enjoy together.

Q: What’s a memorable adventure or milestone you've experienced together since meeting at that game?
A: Our wedding on the beach at Big Sur.