Located in the Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation, the Athletic Academic Resource Center (AARC) is a support center for Stanford varsity athletes. Equipped with a computer cluster, large study tables and comfortable seating, the AARC is a natural gathering place for student-athletes who come for academic advising, to study, to check e-mail or course assignments on line, be tutored, or to relax between class time and practice.
The AARC is staffed by the Academic Director for Student-Athletes and the Assistant Academic Director for Student-Athletes. The two work as a team in advising student-athletes and coordinating the Partners for Academic Excellence (PAE) program.
The goal of the AARC is to help each Stanford student-athlete realize their full academic potential. The AARC provides the following services for student-athletes: Study Table, Tutoring, Advising/Counseling, Computer Access, and Parters for Academic Excellence (PAE).
The AARC staff provides students with both short and long-term academic counseling and serves as a back-up t othe student's assigned advisor.
- Help students choose classes, and provide information on professors and the workload and level of difficulty of classes;
- Aid student-athletes in scheduling classes around practice and game schedules;
- Provide assistance should conflicts arise with exams and competition.
- Help students choose majors that are consistent with their interests and goals, and help ensure that they fulfill their requirements and are on course to graduate in four years;
- Offer guidance about graduate and proessional school opportunities and career planning.