
Stanford-Oregon State Football Post-Game Quotes (November 18, 2006)

Recap | Final Stats | Notes

Oregon State 30, Stanford 7 (Stanford, CA - Stanford Stadium)
November 18, 2006

On today's game
"Oregon State is a very good football team. They beat USC. They can beat you with the run or pass, and they play good defense. They have really good corners, and we struggled against that for most of the afternoon. In the second half, they turned up the offensive pressure and blitzed us more. Our quarterback did not get enough protection, and we could not score touchdowns at the end of the game."

On Stanford's passing game
"We made some mistakes on offense and defense in the first half and missed some deep bombs that we thought we would have a chance to connect on. Against Oregon State's corners, you have to hit those passes. If you watched the Oregon State-USC game, that's how USC got back in it."

On the season and looking ahead
"It's as difficult as anything I have ever personally experienced, and I'm sure for our players it's the same way in the area of football. We have a lot of work to do, and we are committed to getting it right. We have to take it one play at a time."

On the team's effort
"I was proud of our effort. I thought we did a good job with the one goal line stand and on the last one at the end, it could have gone either way."

On Stanford's early lead
"It shows what we are capable of doing. We forced them into a three-and-out, made them punt and then you see our guy run with so much passion and get into the end zone. That gave all of us a boost. I just wish we could have kept that momentum going."

On Stanford's early lead
"At moments we played well and made some big plays. It's frustrating to see so many things that seem so little turn into big plays."

On today's outcome
"We made way too many mistakes and could not sustain drives. I thought we did a great job in the first half, made adjustments for their defense and played with some energy. We left some opportunities downfield. This is the most confident we have ever come into a game."

On today's game
"I'm just glad we won this game. I thought our guys played very well. And that was good to see, especially after that rough start. I thought [Stanford's early touchdown] was a little bit scary, but I think our response was great, on both sides of the ball, and I'm proud of how we played."

On specific areas of today's game
"I thought we had good balance offensively and thought we stayed after it defensively. I thought Stanford had some real good ideas on what to do as far as trying to throw the football against us, but I thought persevered and won the game. I thought there were some good plays on special teams, but was a little disappointed in the fake (punt) going against us. "

On Oregon State's penalties
"We had too many penalties today, and that's what happens when you brag about the fact that we didn't have any holding or blocks in the back for a long time. I think we got three today, which was really not very good."

On running back Yvenson Bernard's performance
"I was excited. He showed who he is most all the time. He hasn't missed a game with the ankle and yet he hasn't been full speed either, but he's a thousand-yard rusher for another year and just a very good football player."

On Oregon State's surge in the second half of the season
"This team has risen from the ashes of whatever our record was early and getting beat badly a couple of times to going to a bowl game, so I'm really proud of them."

On Oregon State's current situation
"It's nice to know the whole bowl situation is in place and taking care of itself, but we've got a big one next week. We're still hungry and ready to keep it going."

On today's game
"We had a good game plan coming into this week, and we followed through and really ran the ball well. I think last week [at UCLA] we were upset with ourselves and a little tense, and not really motivated, so this week was a big win. "

More on today's game and Oregon State's preparation
"I told myself to stay calm, just play the game of football and execute. We had a great week of practice, and it just kind of showed today."