
Stanford-Arizona State Post-Game Quotes

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at Stanford 45, Arizona State 35 (Stanford, CA - Stanford Stadium)
October 22, 2005


"Obviously we're excited about winning. We have a lot of areas in which we need to improve. We got way ahead and that affected our play calling. We were conservative. I'm really proud of our players. It was great to see our special teams because of our punts. Our quarterback played well also. If we give him some time he has a chance to be good. We gave him protection today, and he's good enough to do it. Every game is a hard game. We did not turn the ball over today. When you don't cheat yourself you have a good chance every week. This is the third game in a row that we haven't turned the ball over. We [the coaches] are not satisfied with anything but their best efforts."

"It was a big win for us. It took defense, offense and special teams today. A lot of the outside routes were open today. Mark Bradford was open a lot last week, so we took a little more emphasis looking for him this week. When you get the ball in his hands, there really aren't a lot of defenses that can stop him [Bradford]. Mark was able to adjust to most plays. It was a great win for us offensively. Coach Harris has done so much with this team, and you'll see the evidence of that soon. I'm amazed how much we are on the same page during his play calling. The change of attitude comes from the head coach, and he's allowing us to buy into the system. The seniors have stepped up and made a lot of big plays for us. This win is a credit to the way the seniors have been leading and how Coach Harris is helping them step up."


On motivation
"The last two games we haven't shown up to play. We have to become a more disciplined football team. Motivation on our football team falls on two groups of people: the coaches and the leaders."

On the rollout punt before halftime
"It was a set play. He ran too far. He was back 15 yards, and he ran 17 yards. It was a good call by the officials."

On game preparation
"I wish I knew. I'm at a loss as to why (we lost). I thought we were well prepared. For two and a half quarters we had no emotion.

On the quarterback switch
"Sam (Keller) was just holding the ball a little too long. Our problems today were not the fault of Sam Keller. We had plenty of problems. It's a tough situation where your starting quarterback is coming back from three different injuries. I didn't feel like we could deprive Sam from being the starting quarterback after all his hard work to come back. When we made the switch it was meant as no disrespect to Sam. We were just looking for a spark."

On Mike Silva's interception and touchdown
"I didn't see him until late. You can't throw a slant late."

On replacing starter Sam Keller
"I practice everyday as if I'm going to play. Today I got my opportunity and I did the best I could ,but I still made lots of mistakes like everybody else. I just tried to relax and go out there and do what I do."

On ASU's defeat
"My emotions aren't mixed at all. I'm frustrated that we lost. I put in as much hard work as these guys did, and it's frustrating when you come out here and lose, especially the way that we did."