
Post-Game Quotes

Recap|Final Stats|Notes|Photo Gallery


On the team's performance
"The guys played hard today. The offense, the defense, the special teams, even those guys who weren't a part of the action were supportive."

On Luke Powell's 90-yard punt return for a touchdown
"We work hard on that. Luke has been close. To get ahead in a game like that is huge."

On the passing game
"Their offense has been like ours, not overly point productive. We pushed the ball. We talked all week about playing sound defense. We had to play solid on special teams against some real good returners and be opportunistic when it arose, and that's what happened. The guys played mature today."

On having a breakthrough win
"It's not the finished product out there. I like the idea that in all facets of the game they worked hard. They believed in each other and were supportive of each other, regardless of a win or a loss. They played as a team. It was an opportunity that we took advantage of, and it tremendous win for us."

On today's victory over UCLA as his biggest win at Stanford
"They're all big wins. Our guys believe in themselves and believe in what we're doing. They played hard to make plays. They played all sixty minutes of the ballgame."

On last week's loss at Oregon
"We've had a lot of adversity this season. Coach (Teevens) just told everybody to keep their chins up and keep fighting because we're warriors. No matter how they knock us down, we're going to keep getting up, and that's what we're doing. We're playing hard. I love all these guys."

On Luke Powell's 90-yard punt return for a touchdown
"Luke was bound for one. He's been itching all year to get one. It couldn't have come at a better time. Luke is a special punt returner. It seems like no one can tackle him. It takes three or four guys to get him down. He's such a big weapon for us back there."

On Stanford's eight sacks
"We're just working hard. Coach Teevens put together a great game plan. It was just a matter of going out and executing, and finding a way to get it done."

On the game plan
"The game plan was basically focused on their defense. We just spread out and had the end guys penetrate and wreck havoc. It's just a whole lot of pressure from the outside and trust everything in the middle. We have a great group of guys up front, and they take care of what they need to do. It basically allows us to be free and be active, use our athleticism, and get to the ball in a hurry."

On the team's aggressive scheme
"It was much more aggressive. It allowed us to be more athletic and penetrate the zone instead of what we've been doing in some of the other defenses. The credit goes to the coaches; they work hard, too. They watch film and create a great game plan."


On today's game
"It was a tough loss on our part. Obviously, we didn't get the job done in regards to executing in a lot of different phases. Stanford, returning home, came out ready to play. They did the necessary things to win the game. They made a couple of big plays on special teams that ended up being a factor. A couple of of opportunities we had in the red zone, we made mistakes, and mistakes like that are crucial in games like this. That's the difference between wins and losses, and obviously we're on the losing end of this one."

On putting in Drew Olson in the fourth quarter
"We were trying to generate offense. We were trying to generate a spark and do something at that point in the game. Drew came in, engineered a drive and gave us a chance to get back in the game. It turned out to be a good move on our part."

On Stanford's pass rush
"We didn't protect well enough. We didn't give the quarterback enough time to do things that he needs to do. A couple of times he was holding it too long. Those are some issues that have been hurting us all season long, and we need to address those issues and hopefully get better at them."

On Stanford's game plan
"They played a smart game plan. They took care of the football and put us in disadvantageous positions. They didn't make many mistakes with the football and we did, and that was the difference in the game."

On Stanford's pass rush
"It was causing me to hurry my throws a little bit. There was a guy or two always popping through on us every time."

On UCLA's inability to move the ball
"I don't think that there are any problems. We had a really nice drive in the beginning. That was obviously our best drive of the day."